August 08, 2014

Well, hi!

I've wanted to start a blog for a while, but was too worried about being pretentious and kind of lame. But, as I have spent my first summer away from home, I've realized that this is a good way to let the folks back home understand what is going on with me.

Anyway, this is me, Liberty, to the left (special kudos to Heather O'Barr for making me look much more attractive than I normally do. Holla).
I always feel awkward doing "about me" sections. They make me feel narcissistic. I'll try to keep this short:
I am a student at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Currently, I'm exploring broadcast journalism as a major, but I have many interests. I'll keep you posted on that journey.
I'm from all over, but home is Mesa, Arizona. My family just moved to Colorado, so my posts between semesters will be from there, mostly.
I've coined a phrase for myself; I am a closet introvert, meaning that I am, by nature, an awkward, clumsy, sensitive person but I have learned how to play it off well. Because of my mixture of introversion and extroversion, my hobbies range from reading, writing, crafting, and hiking to laughing, getting to know others, singing, and talking.
In case you haven't already guessed by the fact that I'm attending Brigham Young University, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's a big part of my life.

I hope that this blog can be an outlet for me to share my thoughts and get everything out. However, I also want to share anecdotes and help others with things I have learned. This blog will be mostly my adventures, opinions, rants, thoughts, and pretty much whatever else I feel like adding. Hopefully some of what I say can help, inspire, or enlighten. Also, hopefully I'll get a little more organized as I go and get a little better at this whole "internet" thing.

Well, that's about it. I hope you enjoy reading. It was lovely to meet you!

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