I found it shockingly difficult to find something to write about today. We seriously covered so many amazing topics in class last week - some of which were controversial, and some brought the Spirit into my heart so well. I wanted to write about two especially controversial topics - one being the Godhead (for those of you who don't know, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints don't believe in the Trinity, part of the reasons a lot of Christians don't consider us to be Christians too. If you're curious, read what we think here) and the other being Christ's conception. However, the first topic will probably be covered later this week because we talked about it in a lot more detail this week, and I still have lots of questions myself about Christ's conception. It's a weird topic for sure. Maybe another time, maybe not. No promises.
Anyway, because I wasn't sure what to write about, I decided to just go through what we covered and find a verse I like and kinda just go with it. So sorry if today's post isn't controversial enough for you, is really disorganized, and/or isn't very insightful. I wanted to talk about the joy that comes so easily from the covenant we have made with Heavenly Father.
In Mosiah 5:2-4, the people of King Benjamin start talking about the joy they feel from following the prophet and staying true to his words, and keeping their covenants with God. "And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. And we, ourselves, also, through the infinite goodness of God, and the manifestations of his Spirit, have great views of that which is to come; and were it expedient, we could prophesy of all things. And it is the faith which we have had on the things which our king has spoken unto us that has brought us to this great knowledge, whereby we do rejoice with such exceedingly great joy." How awesome is that? Who doesn't want that sort of happiness in their life? Then verse five goes on, saying "And we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will and be obedient to his commandments in all things that he shall command us, all the remainder of our days, that we may not bring upon ourselves a never-ending torment, as has been spoken by the angel, that we may not drink out of the cup of the wrath of God."
I really like the fact that the joys of the covenant are partnered with the making of the covenant. Our covenants with Heavenly Father are the most important covenants we can make in this life. As far as our priorities go, our relationship with our Heavenly Father should come before anything else. Think about it - only through Him and His Son can we be saved, which is the main goal of this life. I've noticed in my own life that when I put Heavenly Father before anything else, I seem to have time for everything else. When I start my mornings off with a prayer, I feel the Holy Spirit with me more, guiding me and letting me know what I should do. When I really study my scriptures, I'm a better person, and more like the person I'm supposed to be. Honestly, I can't tell you that my whole life changed and that I never sin anymore or that I've had some big experience because I have put the Lord first. What I can tell you is that my life is overall better when I put the covenants and my relationship with God before anything else, and I know in the long run, my life will be completely changed because He has the power to help me do that.
I also think it's important to mention that we need to put our relationship and friendship with God and His Son before any other - even family. I'm lucky to have been raised in a family who believes in Christ and relies on Him. I know not all families are like that. I had a friend in high school who was a convert (meaning she got baptized into the LDS Church, she wasn't born into it) and her family was very against it. She waited until she was eighteen to get baptized because it's what her parents asked of her, they wouldn't give their consent. So she waited. The whole time, she was the most diligent disciple of Christ I had ever known. She prayed often, studied the scriptures, and repented openly - not being afraid to bring it back up and make amends when she messed up. When she turned eighteen, she was baptized. And now, she studies the scriptures with her parents. Usually, it's the Bible. But I was talking to her the other day, and she told me that her dad had outright asked her to read her favorite chapter from the Book of Mormon. She did and there were tears in his eyes. Yeah, maybe he'll never be baptized into the Church (and frankly I think that that's okay, of course he's still a good guy), but because my friend put her relationship with God even before her relationship with her own family, she has become a better person herself and is showing her parents how to find true joy. And honestly I think that's really beautiful.
There's this chart that I like a lot. I already used it in another blog post (the one about polygamy), but I'm going to use it again and explain it. We need to put God above everyone else. It's for the benefit of everyone. When we all aim to get closer to God, we also get closer to one another. That's the basic principle of the chart. Here it is: (it's from this blog post.)
So try it out. Do everything you can be to closer to God, and you'll love the joy that will come. Put your scripture study and prayers before your homework. Rather than giving into gossip, work to lift people up like Christ. When you get down, don't give into temptations that bring you only temporary happiness, serve others and build relationships. I know that as you do all you can, Heavenly Father will make you become the person you need to be, and by the same token, surround you with those you should be surrounded by. He's really an amazing Father to us. Talk to Him, I know He'll be glad to hear from you.